Utc swindon term dates. As well as hearing key school information from Principal, Jon Oliver, including what makes a UTC different to a traditional secondary school, attendees heard from two new students, Liam and Chloe, about their experiences so far. Utc swindon term dates

 As well as hearing key school information from Principal, Jon Oliver, including what makes a UTC different to a traditional secondary school, attendees heard from two new students, Liam and Chloe, about their experiences so farUtc swindon term dates  Registered in England

An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Students may enter the school playground. Runtime dates: Academic year 2023-24 . co. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Registered in England. Registered in England. Company Number 8707909Term dates; The Working Day; Curriculum. co. Registered in England. Monday 4th September- First Day of Term 1 (Autumn term) - pupils back in school. uk. uk. Swindon SN3 1AH Tel: 01793 611470 Email: [email protected]. Registered in England. Registered in England. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon held their first Open Event of the academic year, virtually, on Wednesday 30 September. Inset Day: Thursday 1 September 2022. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. uk. Xmas Holidays: Monday 19 December. 1 September 2022 3 Jean 2023 4 January 2023 17 April 2023 18 Spring 2023 . uk. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. Prospectus; Term dates; The Working Day; Curriculum. Prospectus; Term dates; The Working Day; Curriculum. co. uk. co. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected] Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. co. Our school day runs from 8. Registered in England. Check out UTC Swindon's events, learn more, or contact this organizer. UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. uk. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. Summer Bank Holiday is on 28 August 2023. Term Dates 2023/24. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. uk. utcswindon. uk. Registered in England. Good Friday is on 7 April 2023. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. UTC Swindon follows policies common to the member schools of Activate Learning Education Trust. Spring Term 2: Monday 19 February 2024 – Thursday 28 March 2024. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Work (Term) Dates Holiday Dates Bank Holidays and weekends Jun-2016 Jul-2016 Aug-2016 May-2016 Dec-2015 Jan-2016 Mar-2016 Apr-2016 School Term Dates: 2015-16 Academic Year School Name UTC Swindon Feb-2016 Sep-2015 Oct-2015 Nov-2015. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. uk. UTC Swindon Virtual Open Event. Registered in England. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Company Number 8707909Oxford Brookes Dates Of Term / Oxford Brookes University Utc Swindon - For oxford university students, the year is divided into three terms of eight weeks each. uk. Organised by the British Esports. Registered in England. uk. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. UTC Swindon has launched its NEW UTC Pipeline Programme for KS5 students, teaming up with leading industry experts, Fujitsu, Network Rail, Wiltshire Police and. uk. co. Registered in England. New Year's Day is on 2 January 2023. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Guests were welcomed with talks from Principal, Jon Oliver, in which he gave an overview of the UTC curriculum as well as an insight into life at UTC Swindon. 52% of students continued their career in the STEM sector. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Students Parents About Us News Contact Student Hub . An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. uk. Author: Andrew Brent Created Date:Address. co. co. Company Number 8707909Address. Autumn Term 1: Friday 2 September 2022 (year 10 and 12 only) to Wednesday 19 October 2022. co. UTC Swindon • Swindon. uk. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. 12% girls. Registered in England. Term dates; The Working Day; Curriculum. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Year 13 student, Mason, joined UTC Swindon in year 10 because of his interest in engineering, and will be leaving this summer to follow. Wed, Feb 10, 2021 5:00 PM GMT (+00:00) Free. Phone: 01793 207920. Abbeywood Community School New Road, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8SF. UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Use this form to provide customer on this webpage. Year 10 – UTC Swindon will have an agreed admission number of 150 students in Year 10. National Bank Holiday: Monday 19 September 2022 Half-term:. Company Number 8707909Term dates; The Working Day; Curriculum. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. Registered in England. Autumn Term 2: Monday 30 October 2023 – Wednesday 20 December. University Technical College (UTC) Swindon offers 14-19 year olds a specialised STEM education alongside academic subjects. Registered in England. Company Number 8707909Former student Liam Kanyepi is currently in his first year of Computing and Information Technology at the University of Surrey. uk. Term dates: Academic year 2023-24 . Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected] Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Company Number 8707909Term times in Swindon, Parents frequent dread school holidays; having to remain aforementioned little ones entertained forward weeks on end can be difficult. Telephone: 01793 207920UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Term dates; The Working Day; Curriculum. Our engineering and digital technologies UTC, offers three distinct pathways at. For more information and to register, please visit the Eventbrite page. Company Number 8707909Open Event for prospective students and parents. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 TOTAL Sep-22 Monday 29 5 12 19 26 7 Tuesday 30 6 13 20 27 Wednesday 31 7 14 21 28 Thursday. Term datums: Academic type 2023-24 . Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. KS4 Curriculum; KS5 Curriculum; Curriculum support; GCSE POD; New Student Information; Financial Support; Safeguarding; Careers. Lifetime dates: Academic year 2023-24 . An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Careers information for businesses;. Registered in England. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. KS4 Curriculum; KS5 Curriculum; Curriculum support; GCSE POD; New Student Information; Financial Support; Safeguarding. Company Number 8707909How to apply. co. Registered in England. uk. Registered in England. Registered in England. Term dates: Academic period 2023-24 . Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. Autumn Term 1: Tuesday 5 September 2023 – Wed 18 Occasion 2023. Under 18 and worried about online sexual abuse? To report, click to visit the CEOP Safety Centre. UTC Swindon end of term newsletter – July 2019. Company Number 8707909School Term Dates: 2017-18 Academic Year School Name UTC Swindon Feb-2018 Sep-2017 Oct-2017 Nov-2017 May-2018 Dec-2017 Jan-2018 Mar-2018 Apr-2018 Work (Term) Dates Holiday Dates Bank Holidays and weekends Jun-2018 Jul-2018 Aug-2018. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. uk. [email protected]. uk. Registered in England. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. co. Easter Holidays: Monday 3 April 2023 – Tuesday 18 April 2023 . Registered in England. UTC Swindon Virtual Open Event. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. 2023. KS4 Curriculum; KS5 Curriculum; Curriculum support; GCSE POD; New Student Information;. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon in South West, Central Swindon South serves 177 students 85. uk. The first of it's kind in the South West, UTC Plymouth is an educational college for 11-19 year olds specialising in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Salary: £13,204 to £14,199 (£22,369 to £24,054 Full time equivalent) Hours: Part time, 26 hours per week, term time only. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Careers information for businesses;. INSET / Staff training days. Registered in England. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. Company Number 8707909Term dates; The Working Day; Curriculum. KS4 Curriculum; KS5 Curriculum; Curriculum support; GCSE POD; Laptop Deposit Scheme; New Student Information; Financial Support; Safeguarding. At the end of January, UTC Swindon Principal, Jon Oliver and students, Ben Perrigo and Ben. Telephone: 01793 207920 Email: [email protected]. Registered in England. co. Careers information for businesses;. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Early May Bank Holiday is on 1 May 2023. Registered in England. co. View their ofsted ratings, term dates, GCSE results, a level results and more. uk. Email: [email protected]. An academy of Activate Learning Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee. uk. Neil Pouney- Head of School. uk. “So far I have really enjoyed learning how to use various different types of software; how they can be of use in the real world,” he says. 8:15am. Registered in England. UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. 76 KB. Term dates: Academic period 2023-24 . It was formed in 1997, replacing Thamesdown. Free unlimited Swindon Term Dates 2022 2023 Courses discount courses, learning program, set of lectures and many moreUTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. Company Number 8707909UTC Swindon Bristol Street Swindon Wiltshire SN15ET. You can load our easy-to-read school term planners below: Swindon schools term and holiday dates 2022-23 ; Swindon schools term and holiday dates 2023-24UTC Swindon is using Eventbrite to organize upcoming events. Registered in England. Company Number 8707909This weekend, UTC Swindon opened its doors to prospective students and their families for its latest weekend Open Event.